Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Little hint concerning Flickr API from Flexosaurus

If you are trying to use ActionScript 3.0 API for Flickr and while creating FlickrService you are getting following error:

1017: The definition of base class URLLoaderBase was not found.

Or following exception run-time:

Error #1014: Class com.adobe.webapis::URLLoaderBase could not be found.

Do not panic. You just need to download as3corelib . There are number of classes in as3corelib that are getting used by ActionScript 3.0 API for Flickr.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

3D Ferris Wheel from Flexosaurus

I just tried to implement something "3D" and here it is:) Actually it's just number of planes which you can rotate in the way the Ferris Wheel get rotated. You can also change the X,Y,Z angles of scene. E.g. you can change the angles, place the planes horizontally and you'll get whirling photo album. It is also very easy to make this planes clickable. The sample is powered by Away3D and Caurina Tweener.