<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:ns1="*" layout="vertical"> <ns1:NewsPanel title="Hockey"> <ns1:newsTitle> <mx:Label text="Ryan Miller returns" color="red" fontWeight="bold" /> </ns1:newsTitle> <ns1:content> <mx:Image source=""/> </ns1:content> <ns1:footer> <mx:LinkButton label="Other Photos..." /> </ns1:footer> </ns1:NewsPanel> <ns1:NewsPanel title="Hockey"> <ns1:newsTitle> <mx:Label text="A costly meltdown" color="red" fontWeight="bold" /> </ns1:newsTitle> <ns1:content> <mx:Text text="The Panthers were less than three minutes away from sliding into a playoff position Saturday night." truncateToFit="true" width="225" /> </ns1:content> <ns1:footer> <mx:LinkButton label="Details..." /> </ns1:footer> </ns1:NewsPanel> </mx:Application>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="" initialize="init()" width="250"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Label; import mx.controls.LinkButton; import mx.core.UIComponent; // An array which stores the UI components // of our content [ArrayElementType("mx.core.UIComponent")] private var _content:Array; private var _footer:LinkButton; private var _newsTitle:Label; public function init():void { this.addChild(_newsTitle); for each(var component:UIComponent in _content) { this.addChild(component); } this.addChild(_footer); } public function set newsTitle(value:Label):void { _newsTitle = value; } public function get newsTitle():Label { return _newsTitle; } public function set footer(value:LinkButton):void { _footer = value; } public function get footer():LinkButton { return _footer; } public function set content(value:Array):void { _content = value; } public function get content():Array { return _content; } ]]> </mx:Script> </mx:Panel>